Electrical safety checks on rental properties to become mandatory from July

Posted on 9th June 2020

From July 1st, 2020, the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 will come into force and landlords across the country will need to prepare for this new legislation.

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has published guidance setting out how the new regulations will impact landlords, tenants and local authorities, but what are the key things landlords need to be aware of?

What the regulation means

All new private tenancies will need to ensure that electrical installations are inspected and tested by a qualified and competent professional before the tenancy starts.


How often does the property need to be tested?

At least once every five years, unless the most recent report states it needs to be checked more often. 

Will the new regulation have an effect on existing tenancies? 

Landlords do have a bit more time to organise tests for existing tenancies. You must carry out an electrical safety test on existing tenancies by April 1st, 2021, with regular tests following as mentioned above. 

Should landlords provide a copy of the report to tenants? 

Yes. You must give a copy of the property’s report to your tenants for their records. You may also have to supply one to your local authority, if requested. 

What types of properties does the regulation apply to?

All properties which are privately rented, which includes homes in multiple occupation. 


Can any fines be imposed if landlords don’t comply with the new regulations?

Yes, a local authority can administer a financial penalty for a breach and if there are multiple breaches, there can be multiple penalties imposed. Fines can be up to £30,000 so it’s important landlords make sure they are organised and prepared for the new regulation.  

If you need advice or need help arranging inspections, the Venture team are here to assist you.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.